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Slowing the Spread: How Thermal Temperature Monitoring is Getting the World Back to Business

Within the span of six months, the entire world has irrevocably changed. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact individuals, businesses, and organizations across the globe, the drive to identify data-driven solutions designed to slow the spread has never been greater. For both essential businesses and organizations who are required to keep their doors open during the pandemic, as well as companies simply eager to get back to work, thermal temperature monitoring has become a vital component to maintaining the safety of their employees and customers alike.

Thermal Screen

While thermal temperature monitoring has been around for years, the technology is able to offer a real-time solution amidst the pandemic. When health officials made it clear that the presence of a fever was a reliable warning sign for potential infection, organizations throughout the world began using thermal temperature monitoring to screen individuals without physical contact. Through the use of a specialized camera designed to scan the body and accurately assess temperature, businesses are able to promote employee safety while doing their part to flatten the curve.

Thermal Camera

For many of our clients, installing thermal temperature monitoring has allowed them to reopen their doors safely and responsibly – allowing their employees to get back to work while also securing the future of their business. Contact our team today to learn more about the thermal temperature monitoring system and how it can help your business not only survive but thrive during the COVID-19 crisis.


Check out these resources for more information!
Get Back to Business with Thermal Temperature Monitoring
