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New Medical Practice IT Network Support | Healthcare IT Services

Posted 8 years ago

New Medical Practice IT Support: What to Look For in a Healthcare IT Services Provider Your newly established or recently relocated medical office provides patients with a wealth of critical healthcare services and, in doing so, employees handle significant amounts of sensitive information. For numerous reasons, including maintaining HIPAA compliance, ensuring that this private personal […]

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Things to Consider When Re-Cabling a Data Center

Posted 8 years ago

Things to Consider When Re-Cabling a Data Center There are plenty of reasons your company may have for wanting to re-cable a data center. If your company’s network is slowing down or if it just can’t keep up, this may be due to outdated or bad data center cabling issues. Plus, enterprise storage and global […]

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Network Cabling Basics For Your Office Relocation Project

Posted 8 years ago

Network Cabling Basics for Office Relocation: The Who, Where, What, When, Why and How of Moving into a New Office Moving offices? You’ve certainly got a lot to do. Of course, you and your employees may not be experts on everything. That’s why we’ve assembled a list of questions regarding network cabling basics for office […]

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Network Infrastructure Requirements – Determining Wiring & Cabling Needs

Posted 8 years ago

Network Infrastructure Requirements: How to Determine the Appropriate Cabling for Your Business’s Needs When building your IT infrastructure, it’s important to have a detailed plan-of-action. Cutting corners and rushing now can lead to a lot of headaches and lost money and time in the future. When determining your network infrastructure requirements, go through and consider […]

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