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Why White Noise Systems in Call Centers

Posted 8 years ago

Why Use White Noise Systems for Call Centers?

If you run or manage a call center, you know that several times per hour, your call center representatives could be discussing personal account information with clients over the phone. If there is a cloud of noise hovering over the office where everyone can hear the conversations occurring around them, it becomes a privacy risk and it is very distracting for employees. Additionally, these distractions can bring down productivity and increase stress among your employees, and that’s not good for your bottom line. Sound masking systems, also called white noise systems or noise reduction systems, are excellent solutions to this problem. Call centers with white noise sound masking systems offer a better work environment in which distractions are minimized and sensitive information is protected.

What are White Noise Systems for Call Centers?

Sound travels, and it travels farther when there is less interference with it. Think about when you’re in a library, where you are often instructed to be as quiet as possible. When this is the case, every footstep, scratch of a pen, turn of a page, and clearing of a throat sounds louder and is more distracting.

Sounds can also be more distracting when they are irregular. Talking, the tapping of keyboards, the squeaking of chairs across a room, and other such sounds are more likely to disrupt your train of thought than, say, the consistent ticking of a clock, which your brain is wired to easily tune out as it gets used to the background noise.

Sound masking systems for call centers take advantage of the wiring of the human brain in combination with environmental acoustics. They emit a steady stream of white noise at about the same frequency as human speech. As a result, the sound of conversations and other office noises don’t travel quite as far, and the privacy and distraction issues due to background noise are minimized. Because our brains are wired to tune out repetitive and consistent sounds, the white noise sound masking does not add to or replace the distractions, but rather it neutralizes them.

The Benefits of Call Center Sound Masking

Reduce Distractions

As previously mentioned, with the white noise canceling out or diminishing background noise within the call center, your employees are more likely to be focused on what’s being said on the other end of the phone than on office distractions. Without the consistent interruptions of other conversations overlapping theirs, each employee can be devoted to solving your clients’ problems and providing excellent customer service.

Less Stress

High-stress levels in the workplace can lead to more absenteeism among employees, increased staff turnover, and overall decreased productivity. With fewer distractions and more focus thanks to call center noise reduction, your employees will be less likely to make errors, miss days of work, and experience high rates of work-related stress.

More Productivity

Work minus distractions minus stress equals more productivity. It is a pretty simple equation. Once you get rid of the disruptions and stressors in the workplace, it’s easier for employees to focus on the task at hand. In call centers, that means that employees can get through calls more quickly and solve problems more accurately, so tasks get done and don’t have to be revisited as often.

More Privacy

Privacy is a significant concern for call centers. When an employee is on the phone with a client, their conversation should remain between just the two of them. In an overly noisy environment, that isn’t the case. Other employees and perhaps even other clients can overhear personal details, and that could cause problems. That liability rests on you and your company. With a call center sound reduction system, not only will your employees be less likely to overhear and be distracted by other conversations occurring around the office but also clients on the other end of phone calls won’t be privy to any private information either.

Increased Customer & Client Satisfaction

When your employees are more productive and focused, they give more accurate responses to callers and are more adept at solving problems. Furthermore, with the reassurance that their private information is kept confidential and isn’t broadcast to the whole office (and to nearby phones), clients are more likely to trust and feel comfortable working with your call centers. Thus, having a call center white noise system becomes a win-win situation.

Professional Sound Masking Systems for Call Centers by C1C

Customer 1st Communications is experienced in designing sound masking systems specifically for call centers. We know what it takes to turn a noisy office into a more efficient work environment, and we can evaluate your space to determine the perfect equipment and installation to suit your center’s needs, budget, and timeline. Give us a call today at 855-TECH-C1C (855-832-4212) or contact us online to schedule your FREE consultation.